Tea and healthy weight loss
Tea has 0 Calories
Life has so many difficult moments where we wish we had a de-stress button. Our modern lives have become more and more busy with exponentially more decisions- it’s no wonder why folks suffer from anxiety at alarming rates. De-stressing can be hard, and whether you choose to de-stress in a positive or negative way will have everything to do with the quality and outlook of how you feel. Think about the comparison of stress eating versus going for a runs- two extreme ways to cope. Tea is the middle path- a calm, refreshing, tasty treat that 'costs' you just zero calories! Requiring all of your immediate attention, tea transports one into the present, to be one with the ancient ritual of perfecting and relishing this elixir of the earth, the finest on our planet. Nothing could be more pure.
- Tea will be your friend on a weight loss journey
No weight loss happens without exercise and controlled eating, but tea can be your secret weapon along the journey! While it won’t replace your run, it can give you the buzz you need to get going, or reward you at the finish line! Aside from the caffeine buzz (some teas have more caffeine than coffee), studies have shown that several specific types of tea may lead to weight loss in different ways.
Tea contains fat fighting anti-oxidants
Green tea
-Tea contains several anti-oxidants that have been proven to benefit ones health. One of my favorites is the catechin! Catechins are one of the best anti-oxidants for burning fat. Contained in high concentrations in green tea, experts observe that the catechins may cause “inhibition of catechol O-methyl-transferase,” but that probably means you'll feel fuller for longer!
In fact, there are several studies showing green tea leads to weight loss. One twelve week placebo study involving obese individuals, people who drank green tea lost 7.3 lbs more than the placebo group!
Black Tea
Black tea is a different type of tea all together, and contains specific polyphenols that have been shown to promote weight loss in animals! And after all, we're animals too! Tea also has certain flavonoids associated with less weight gain (in women).
Finally Black tea contains thianine, which has been shown to promote relaxation without causing drowsiness, leading to relief of anxiety and stress!
4. Caffeine in tea may be associated with maintained weight loss
Association doesn't equal causation, but, in one study, a population of caffeine beverage consumers maintained their weight loss better than their non caffeinated counterparts. (We knew it all along, didn't we?)
Not all caffeine is created equal, either. Another study found that even with an equivalent dose of caffeine from another (non-tea) beverage, the group drinking black tea still lost more weight, and ended with a smaller waist size than the group with equal parts caffeine from another beverage! That is truly an amazing find, and one reason we love black tea.
5. Tea is a is caring a shoulder to lean on
No matter your lifestyle, losing weight is never easy, and unfortunately it’s harder for some than others. But with enough support and willpower, we can make big changes with consistent, small actions. Over time, small changes compound to big results! Tea is a wonderful, positive friend along that journey. Always there when you need a refreshing cup to drop your surroundings into the present, tea is truly one of life’s guilt free gifts.
-All in all, tea does the trick!
After looking at the evidence, its tough not to be impressed by the positive achievement of this little plant. From an ancient ritual to a modern pleasure, tea is one of the worlds natural guilt-free pleasures, enjoyed and perfected over thousands of years. We hope you will continue this tea tradition alongside us.